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Rogaining is a drinking event contested between two or more people in a large area. Four tables, the drinking stations, should be set up approximately the same distance from each other, ideally with a 50m distance between them. Then, one beer per person is set up at each station, with two beers per person at the home station

To begin the race, a standard chant of “thumbs of tables…” is done. When the word is given, competitors then scull their first beer as quickly as possible, then sprint to the next station. When they reach their next station, they must scull the beer which is there for them, and then continue to the third station, and so on. When they return to the first station, they must consume one final beer. The first to do so is the winner. If at any station, a competitor spills their beer, they will be made to drink another beer at the same station.

Rogaining is extremely difficult on the stomach, as the bubbles bloat the stomach, and the running agitates it. Thus, massive amounts of chundering at every drinking station, or while running, is not just allowed: it is encouraged. It is also a permissable tactic to chunder on opposition in an attempt to hinder or annoy them.

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