Matchboxes is a drinking game of skill played around a table. It can be played by any number of people, although if the circle is large it may be advisable to introduce a second matchbox diametrically opposite to the first to keep things active. The aim is to flick the matchbox over one’s pint such that it lands on its edge or end.
Play procedes around the circle. The player whose turn it is takes the matchbox and holds it, between index and middle finger, behind his pint glass. By smartly straightening the fingers, he tries to flip the matchbox over the glass. What happens next depends on how the box lands:
If the matchbox lands on its end (smallest face) then four fingers are “added” to the box. Play then continues round the circle.
If the box lands on an edge (middle-sized face; usually the one with striking paper) then it accumulates two fingers. Play continues.
If the matchbox lands on its side (the largest face) then the thrower must drink the total number of fingers accumulated in the matchbox so far. Once this has taken place the box reverts to zero fingers and play continues. If the box contains no fingers then play simply continues without penalty.
A “finger” is the amount of beer, in a straight or “conical” pint glass, covered by one finger on the outside of the glass. There are eight “standard drinking fingers” to the (568ml) pint.
Accidentally flicking a matchbox into one’s own pint is uncommon, but if it occurs the usual penalty is to whack off the pint immediately (after removing the matchbox). Rules dealing with matchboxes knocked off the table vary, from simply retrieving it and rethrowing to downing one’s pint.