3 Comments posted on "The Town With No Beer"
duffman on June 20th, 2007 at 3:49 am #
Sounds like the old song ‘the pub with no beer’! What a tragedy, I don’t think i would cope
Andrew on June 21st, 2007 at 2:40 am #
If it was the townsfolk that stuffed up in the first place how hard could it be just to undo the rule
Joe Brown on June 28th, 2007 at 4:34 am #
Funny you should ask…you see it’s my dad’s store that is in danger of going out of business. Because NY is so backwards the law states that the alcohol vote can only come up every 3 years! So we couldn’t re-vote it. Now the state senate and legislature has passed a bill allowing my dad to continue selling beer until a Nov. vote but the governor still has to sign it. As to the 5 questions….well I understood what it meant after the fifth read. They were written right after prohibition and really were less than comprehensible. Embarrassing for us as this story is now all over the world!
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