I have been pretty relaxed for the re-launch of BeerCations and my mind has wandered of the computer and on to the golf course. I haven’t played in so long and the thought of having a quick round and a slow few ales nearly bought tears to my eyes. Like most of you I have a job and can’t go for a swing like I used to (I hate mortgages), so I thought I would being the course to the office.
Beer golf is not exactly a full course golf game, it is in fact a putt putt game! But if you are
anything like me you can sit there and play this game for hours and I really needed a few beers after the stress of the fourth hole (I got 8 strokes to games in a row).. The controls are simple, you just aim where you want the ball to go, control the power then putt.
The game is actually made by the Widmer Brothers Brewery in Portland, Oregon. I can’t say I have ever tried any of their brews but they have won a few awards including gold medals for their Original Hefeweizen beer. If anone has tried any of these beers please comment or if anyone knows how I can get my hands on some here in Aus please let me know. After hours of playing the golf game I need to try one!!
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